Privacy Policy


We love our privacy and truly respect and honour yours. Below you will find all the info you need to see what we do to preserve your privacy and you can see which data we collect and for what reason.

Data Collection Purposes

We only use the data we collect for the purposes described in this policy.

Sharing of Data

We do not share your personal data with other organizations, unless this is necessary for the functioning of our website (service providers) to deliver the goods you ordered, such as shipping companies. The processing of online payments is carried out by Mollie B.V., a company specialized in the processing of online payments.

Retention Period Personal Data

We will use all personal data as long as needed to fulfil the package delivery and handling of returns and during the extended term of 2 years after the transaction unless the law states otherwise.


We do not use cookies, only eat them 🙂

Your Rights

Drop us an e-mail if you want to see what personal data record we have from you or if you want us to correct, delete, transfer or limit your personal data, or if you want to object to the use of personal data. You can also lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if you are not happy with the way we process your personal data.


We have the right to change and adjust the privacy policy as stated above. If so we will change the revisal date at the bottom of this policy.


If you have any questions about this you can contact us at

Amsterdam, May 21st 2021